What are my Walkway Options

walkway-options-5Many Walkways Options will lead us from Point A to Point B, whether it is from the door to a driveway or street; or vice versa from the roadway to the house or building. Therefore a walkway is about approach with a first impression or an exit as a last impression and both are a combination of aesthetic beauty and practicality for pedestrians. Walkways and pathways that lead to the front door of your home or that take you from house to patio or pool may seem inconsequential when thinking about all of your outdoor lifestyle options but done right, these walkways and pathways can add much style to your property. So, when asked “What are my Walkway Options?” be sure your contractor has a meticulous eye for detail when designing your project if you are after a custom look because design possibilities are truly endless.

Purpose: Let’s start with these important questions when looking into walkway options:

  • What is the purpose of the walkway?
  • Will the walkway/pathway lead somewhere or does it serve a purely aesthetic purpose?
  • Once you have defined the purpose of your walkway/pathway, it is time to talk about design and materials.

Shape Matters: Just this once, we ask you not to think straight, because a pathway that curves creates interest and depth. Straight lines work with a formal home but curves soften hard lines. Curves also give your gardens a sense of movement and invite visitors to discover what comes next.

walkway options 1Pattern Matters: Patterns like Herringbone are truly timeless and certainly provide a handsome finished look that will never go out of style. Random patterns work well when sizes of materials are not uniform. Today borders are a creative way to add unique interest to any walkway project and with mosaic stones and pavers available, the combinations of possibilities are endless, similar to flooring tiles inside the home.

Consider Product/Materials: When choosing materials for your project there are several choices available; here are some questions to ask yourself to be sure you have made an informed decision.

  • Is the walkway the main traffic path to your front door?
  • Is this walkway/pathway a high traffic area?
  • Location – is the walkway/pathway in the front or rear of the property?
  • Is this walkway/pathway in an area that will need maintenance throughout the year?
  • Is this your access for garden equipment or rubbish cans?

How your walkway/pathways will be utilized is important when selecting the best material for your particular project. Another way to mix old and new is to incorporate some of and existing application with a new walkway project by adding a detailed inset or border in the walkway design.

walkway options 4Flagstone & Irregular Flagstone/Natural Stone:  Flagstone & Irregular Flagstone are sometimes thought of as “the star of the show” and for good reason. Natural stone is probably the most popular of all the walkway/pathway materials; however, it is also the most expensive. The beauty of natural stone is hard to beat when designing an outdoor project. The overall popularity of flagstone and natural stone is that it looks great in almost any setting; from new construction to historic properties as well as from formal, to casual and rustic.

Pavers: One benefit of using Pavers or Paving Stones is that it gives your property a clean look. Their traditional appeal is pleasing to many different types of properties. These are actually manufactured concrete products that sometimes have the look of wood, stone or brick, depending upon the selection and application. Pavers shaped with tumbled edges to appear weathered, or slabs to resemble travertine are just a couple of examples of how far this industry has come in developing these products.

walkway options 6Brick: Brick walkways are considered a classic and timeless look. Their traditional appeal is pleasing to many different types of properties. Brick also offers the option of patterns; patterns such a herringbone can really dress up a walkway and patio combination. Bricks come in various colors from typical reds to muted shades of green, tan, rust and beige. Also, re-claimed brick is an option if you are looking to match an older or historical property. Brick is a strong, durable material that stands the test of time. It is easily cleaned with a spray of a garden hose and rarely requires any type of sealant.

walkway options 2Think about the environment: Traditional sidewalks and patios don’t allow moisture to penetrate the soil and are termed impermeable surfaces. Today’s guidelines set by local municipalities may limit the amount of impermeable surface coverage permitted on a given property.   An alternative surface in these situations is permeable pavers. There are various eco-conscious and cost-effective pavements for residential and commercial storm water management.   These permeable pavements were designed to allow for the proper percolation of surface water into the ground; reducing the risk and severity of flooding, eliminating puddles and speeding up the melting process of snow.

There are many choices when it comes to walkway options. Some homeowners miss this opportunity to enhance their outdoor living space which most often adds the benefits of safety and increased property value. We wish you much success with your outdoor project and we hope we have helped you make an informative decision.


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