b'Water Appears Like Magic From Nowhere and Then Disappears PONDIts been said that art imitates nature. Nowhere is that truerLEthan when crafting waterfalls. However, creating a miraculouslySenchanting pondless waterfall is the exception to the rule. SEnjoy the sight and sound of water without a pond. WATERF A L LSA small waterfall not only capitalizes A steep hill in this landscape was on the natural slope of the yard and initially a frustration for the homeowners.blends perfectly into the landscape, It prevented them from enjoying theirit also adds beauty and soothing yard and was difficult to mow, until theysounds to ones property. heard about water features. Weekends have improved since this waterfall was installed. Imagine Slopes and hills combined with imagi- them lazily sipping coffee while nation and creativity bring music to ouradmiring their yard instead of mow-ears. What magic can be developeding grass on this slope.out of these golden opportunities? Only Turpin can tell. Waterfall effects can evoke a wide variety of feelings through sight and sound. From a gentle soothing stream to a more dramatic sheet waterfall, or splashing through a mesmeriz-ing sequence of rapids, each drop will have its own unique sound pitch. Appearance and sounds can vary by the width of the stream, placement of the rocks and water flow which can be customized to suit the owners taste. What would you prefer? Pondless Waterfalls.How they work12 13'